Hoy ha sido un día genial, los pequeños hemos jugado por la mañana al ”Friki day” del señor de los anillos nos hemos caracterizado y ha sido maravilloso. Los mayores tras unos cuantos juegos cortos nos hemos ido a la piscina a darnos un chapuzón para refrescarnos de esta ola de calor, cada vez nos conocemos más y mejor y ya somos una piña.
Por la tarde le hemos dado la vuelta y hemos sido los pequeños los que hemos ido a refrescarnos a la piscina mientras los mayores jugábamos una divertidísima gymkhana acuática seguida de una guerra de agua, con este calor ha sido todo un regalo.
Por la noche los pequeños hemos jugado al linternazo en el que los monitores tenían que pillarnos acertando nuestros nombres mientras nos escondíamos, los mayores sin embargo hemos jugado al memory, un juego en el que teníamos que intentar copiar un dibujo de la base contraria sin que nos pillen.
Solo estamos a día dos y esto va viento en popa.
Today was a great day, the younger children played a thematic morning known as ‘Freaky Day’ inspired by Lord of the Rings and was wonderful. The Elder children, after a few short games, went off to have pool time and splash around in order to refresh ourselves from this tremendous heat wave, everyday we’re getting to know eachother more and are now becoming a small family.
During the evening the roles were reversed, the younger children were the ones who went to refresh ourselves in the pool whilst the Elder children were playing a very entertaining aquatic scavenger Hunt, followed by a wáter war, which having this heat was a great present.
At night the younger children played flashlight in which the counselors had to play a game of tag, trying to figure out our names while we hid, the Elder children played a game called Memory, a game in which we had to try to copy a drawing located in the base of the enemy team without being caught.
We’re only on our second day and we’re sailing with the wind on our side.