ENGLISH CAMP 2Q - DÍA 21 - Respira Ocio y Tiempo Libre


Estamos llegando a la mitad del campamento y las actividades y los monitores no dejan de sorprendernos. Por la mañana nos hemos juntado por habitaciones para, organizados por los  monis, realizar un lip dub: un videoclip musical en el que todos hemos dado lo mejor de nosotros para tener un gran recuerdo. Después de comer y de partidos de voleyball, la actividad de la tarde ha sido una “Jengkhana”: depende de las fichas que sacásemos de la Jenga gigante, teníamos que hacer un tipo de prueba. Todos hemos participado a tope y lo hemos pasado genial. Después los monitores nos han retado a partidos de fútbol y tanto mayores como peques, chicos y chicas, hemos estado jugando en nuestro tiempo libre. Tras la cena, los peques por un lado y los mayores por otro, hemos tenido nuestra velada de bromas: ¡tan divertida!


We’re reaching the mid-point of the camp and the activities and the counselors keep on surprising us. During the morning we were grouped by rooms for, organized by the instructors, to do a lip-dub: a musical videoclip in which we give all we got to create a great memory. After lunch and volleyball matches, the afternoon activity was “Jengkhana”: depending on the pieces that were taken from the giant Jenga, one challenge had to be done or another. Everyone participated to the fullest and had a great time. After the counsellors bet soccer matches against the children of all ages such as the bigger children and smaller, as well as girls and boys were all participating and playing during the free time. Once finished with dinner, the small children on one side and the elder children on another, our night activity consisted on jokes: how fun!

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